Here's something I haven't done for a while...
So, basically, reporter Brian Williams recently admitted that he made up a truckload of his stories, and now, nobody likes him. But why let Brian boy have all the fun? Let's make up our own Brian Williams News Stories....
DIY: Brian Williams Stories
Hi, this is Brian Williams. I'm here today in (1), and I have shocking news. I recently spoke with (2), and they told me that (3).
Now, being the brave man I am, I am going to have to fly into the disaster zone myself and save the day. Also, I (4). This is all true. I swear.
-Disney Land
-A coma
(2)-The ambassador
-Chuck Norris
-A completely, verified, not made-up source
(3)-The world is ending
-Everything's better with Perry
-I am definitely here. I swear
-There's a dog in the vent
(4)-Lowered taxes single handedly
-Am guaranteed free entry for the rapture
-Am Lorde. Ya ya ya
-Removed all Kardashians from the gene pool. You're welcome